Author name: Hugh McManners

European Union Germany

“Germany Stalling” – European reunification requires a Ruler to impose the rules

We’ve had decades of EU countries variously ignoring EU directives and fiscal requirements – dishonesty coupled with institutional myopia. Greece joined by telling porkies about its economy, then like various other countries received huge amounts of money from the EU for all sorts of infrastructure projects, plus the vast cheap loans that borrowers probably never […]

“Germany Stalling” – European reunification requires a Ruler to impose the rules Read More »

Is it the crime that’s so bad – or does a certain sort of victim make it unacceptable? (Vis a vis phone-hacking of course)

It’s strange that it’s taken a particular sort of phone hacking target to cause the condemnation and outrage that has engulfed News International – of the especially vulnerable victims of high profile crimes. The actual crime – hacking – is the same whether it’s of a wayward tv soap star or a 911 victim. But

Is it the crime that’s so bad – or does a certain sort of victim make it unacceptable? (Vis a vis phone-hacking of course) Read More »

News International really IS “international” – like terrorism

Senator Jay Rockefeller is asking that News International be investigated in the USA for alleged phone hacking of 911 victims. As Mr Murdoch’s empire gets most of its revenue from 20th Century Fox and the Fox network, losing its name in the USA is potentially very serious. But I’d say this is actually a wake-up

News International really IS “international” – like terrorism Read More »

Hague Dutchbat Verdict should make UN operations more effective

Nobody expected judges at The Hague to hold responsible Dutch troops who handed over members of their interpreter’s family to certain torture and execution by Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica. Until now, troops operating under UN command – and their governments, have been immune from any liability for their actions (or inaction), as the UN itself

Hague Dutchbat Verdict should make UN operations more effective Read More »

USA’s malign economic influence – perpetuating terrorism.

RRXXAG6RRE7D The USA leads the world, introducing innovation and change that spreads outwards. Some of this is good; for example most technology especially IT, and some of it is very bad – like toxic mortgages. The USA is one of the world’s most unequal countries; and is seen by the poor countries which harbour terrorism,

USA’s malign economic influence – perpetuating terrorism. Read More »

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