The MoD Really Must Start Caring for its People – NOW

The MoD have always been unwilling to acknowledge that military service can have adverse effects on people. Their preferred message follows those pumped out by military recruitment campaigns: “Be the Best”, “thousands of jobs available”, in “hundreds of different careers”. Today The Royal British Legion TRBL launches a survey of Service-related hearing problems. It’s hardly

The MoD Really Must Start Caring for its People – NOW Read More »

“Marine A”: are we too flakey with liberal confusion to support our own people?

So, in Sergeant Alexander Blackman’s ill-fated, video’d patrol, what was going on? Sadly all we know about now, after much investigation and even more nonsense in the media and blogosphere, are the defensive posturings of the various factions that this has affected. None of it is helpful. The Court Martial’s official legal line that murder

“Marine A”: are we too flakey with liberal confusion to support our own people? Read More »

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